Author Unknown
(To The Rhythm Of "Green Eggs & Ham")
Do you like these IEPs?
I do not like these IEPs
I do not like them, Geez Louise
We test, we check
We plan, we meet
But nothing ever seems complete
Would you, could you like the form?
I do not like the form I see
Not page 1, not 2, not 3
Another change
A brand new box
I think we all
Have lost our rocks
Could you all meet here or there?
We could not all meet here or there
We cannot all fit anywhere!
Not in a room
Not in the hall
There seems to be no space at all
Would you, could you meet again?
I cannot meet again next week
No lunch, no prep
Please hear me speak
No not at dusk. No not at dawn
At 4 p.m. I should be gone
Could you hear while all speak out?
Would you write the words they spout?
I could not hear, I would not write
This does not need to be a fight
Sign here, date there
Mark this, check that
Beware the student's ad-vo-cat(e)
You do not like them
So you say
Try again, try again!
And you may
If you will let me be
I will try again
You'll see
I almost like these IEPs!
I think I'll write six thousand three
And I will practice day and night
Until they say
"You've got it right!"
And so it went....Jim and I went to the Doodle's IEP on Thursday afternoon, it was Jim's first time at an IEP. I warned him that they were intimidating, sad and not at all fun and that I usually cried at some point and would probably have to get bitchy and demanding. He went anyway. He was surprised at how many people were there all sitting around a board room table ready to talk about our son. So we sat for close to 2 1/2 hours talking about the Doodle and his progress and lack of progress in some cases--we were told how far behind he really is developmentally; which is no surprise but so much harder to hear when hearing it read monotone in a crowded room from other people. An IEP, as personal as it might be, feels very clinical when they talk about the "subject" (your child) in terms of where he might be on the vast autism spectrum, what age level he is functioning and how much support he needs.
For the most part, I held it together; maybe because Jim was there with me. Instead, Jim cried. All of the people involved in caring for the Doodle go around the table and give their reports and talk about if he hit his annual goals--the teacher, nurse, speech therapist, ocupational therapist, shape aid, etc. And when they were all finished, Jim thanked them for being so very kind and caring so much for our special little boy--that's when he got all choked up; which, in turn, made me cry.
It's hard to make a decision on where to send the Doodle to Kindergarten since nothing feels like a good fit right now and especially because they can't tell me the definitively who, what and where--they have given a few options and I went and looked at what I could--I can either put the Doodle into a mixed class of different types of special needs kids--or I can put him in a very structured class for just Autistic children. But, they cannot tell me yet where the class room is going to be for sure and who the teacher may be. Without that pertinent information, I cannot yet make the determination, therefore, I did not sign the IEP in full and won't make that decision until I can weigh all the facts involved. Sigh.
Happy Number 500 Post!