
The lightening and thunder storms here were pretty incredible today. Northern California is looking at several more days of rain and possibly flooding. The storm broke long enough this afternoon for our IEP meeting. It was over an hour of discussing whether the Doodle needs a nurse one on one or a Shape Assistant one on one.

First I let the Principal and the School Nurse talk. The school nurse has some very strong opinions that the Doodle is out of the woods and no longer needs a nurse. If Only. That's when I busted out my UCSF letter from Dr. Sullivan who thinks otherwise. I passed out copies of the letter.

After reading my letter which I brought from our Doctor advising that a nurse IS recommended throughout this school year (and beyond) due to his precarious state of seizure activity and the severity of his epilepsy, nothing was changed today. The original IEP from August 21st stated we should have the nurse through June 2 and so it shall be.

It really bothers me that it took an hour and half with me and six other people to figure this out again. It was a complete waste of my time and the time of all five other Sonoma County Office of Education employees and our Nurse Lulu's time.

They were so dead set on this meeting that I thought for sure they had another agenda, like to maybe move the Doodle out of the medically fragile class and into another day class or even give him back to the other District that he actually belongs in due to his bad behavior. Nope. Although, we did discuss his bad behavior. They called it "protesting". I never thought it of it like that before. He is a Protester.

It didn't get ugly even though I made my point. My point being, it was written in the original IEP to have the Nurse until June 2 and that his seizure activity has changed so many times over the last year that I agreed with our UCSF Doctor that it was too soon to take her away. We're still taking it day by day.

So. There was really no point to this formal IEP process.

Except....Since the Doodle is currently only getting 6 of his entitled 15 hours of Shape Services (Autism Services), I did ask for two more days of services at home on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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