The Ghost in the Machine

I'm a scrapbooker and ironically, all these pictures you see of the Doodle and our family, I am taking; therefore I am not in them. It's a rarity for me to get a picture taken with the kids.

I have these visions of my children when they are full grown with children of their own and I am no longer on this earth, looking through old family albums trying to remember what their mom might have looked like. Or why all the pictures with me in them are make-shiftily taken lopsided with my left arm outreached and my head cocked just so in order to fit my face in the frame of the picture I'm snapping while the Doodle Bug reaches his hand out for the camera.


Today's self portrait with the Doodle didn't go so well. It's hard to get a good picture when he won't cooperate, look at the camera or cease the raspberries.

But I tried. And, at least it tells a story of their mom the ghost.

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