Jimmy's been modeling for a couple of years now and has been booked for some really great jobs. He's got an agent in San Francisco and every so often we have to go on Go-Sees. He's been on the cover of Pottery Barn Kids, a National Dell Computer ad and their website, and a couple of National Geographic toy product boxes.
The other day we got a call and he was picked from his headshot for the new Hasbro Deluxe Family Game Night box. First they photographed him with his "new" family and then an artist will illustrate them for the Hasbro Game Box. In this special edition will be four classic games: Scrabble, Clue, Sorry and Monopoly + two card games.
I'm so proud of him. What I love about this is that people keep their games around for a long time. They sit on a closet shelf for twenty years. Someday, maybe when Jimmy has children of his own, this game will be a collectors item. How cool is that?
Hurray for Jimmy! I'll have to look for it!