Oh the irony. Where do I begin?
Jim and I attempted a date night tonight. You know, some alone grown up time. And then our ten year old began begging to go. Now all of a sudden Jimmy really really really wanted to see the movie because you know, it's his favorite movie ever. I tell Jim it's up to him and he feels bad for being gone all week and not spending time with Jimmy so what am I going to do?
In the comedy "Date Night," Claire and Phil Foster are a tired, overworked mom and dad bored with each other and eating at the same old restaurant. Their busy lives are all about work and kids; marriage is a bore and sex is a chore so they "steal" someone else's dinner reservation at a New York dining hot-spot...only to be mistaken for a wanted couple they are pretending to be by a crime boss and his goons for blackmail. Now their date night gets interesting.
The fabulous comedy dream team, Tina Fey and Steve Carell, are perfectly suited for this movie with believable Dick Van Dyk/Mary Tyler Moore chemistry and some great one liners. They actually seem married.
I'd say the movie spoke to me.
Sadly, the movie had some serious and touching parts like how easy it is to fall into a mundane routine and forget the importance of your relationship with your spouse. I thought yes, absolutely and then I reached over to hold Jim's hand but it was a little awkward with Jimmy sitting in between us so I reached for the popcorn and chocolate instead. Did Jimmy understand the irony of tagging along or have any kind of ah-ha moment where he thought, ooooh....maybe I should have stayed home and let my parents have one night every six months alone? Nope. He was just happy to be out with his mom and dad at the movies and why wouldn't he be? He's ten.
There's a part where Claire was talking about her biggest fantasy is to go somewhere, like check into a hotel room, and just be alone for a while. She says, "There's always someone touching me! Someone is always touching me, and their boogers are on me and their food is on me."
Aint that the truth.
It was a funny and sweet movie and it also didn't hurt that Mark Wahlberg had his shirt off in all of his scenes. He should really consider removing his shirt more in his movies.

I'd give this movie three and half doodles.
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