Things You Might Not Understand...

...Unless you have an autistic child.

Holidays like 4th of July become a sonic boom reminder of how non-normal our family is.

I know the real reason we celebrate the fourth of July is because we are honoring our freedom and liberty as Americans. But how do you tell a 10 year old, we're going to skip the barbeque's, friends and fireworks this year because your autistic brother can't handle it. He wouldn't be able to handle the crowds, or the new place or the loud sounds of the fireworks. So I have a feeling it's going to be another divided family holiday around here. I'll dress the Doodle in red, white and blue and take pictures to scrapbook; then I will take Jimmy to watch the fireworks so that he doesn't miss out while his Dad stays home here at Camp Doodle. It's called another single-parent holiday brought to you by Autism.

I'm trying to remember being 10. And, I'm hoping that Jimmy doesn't grow up and resent his special needs brother for everything he didn't get to do as a child and how much attention was given to the "other" one. It's ironic that this weekend we celebrate our freedom, yet with the autism and epilepsy, I've never felt more restricted, powerless and unliberated.

1 comment:

  1. You speak my language all too well. I understand the isolation. Jimmy will grow up to be a compassionate man. He might be frustrated now, but I think he will be fine later on. Now us on the other hand, are damaged for life!
