We're a lot like the National Lampoon's Vacation family. Jim gets called Clark Griswold a lot. He thinks it's a compliment.
So we leave tomorrow for Wally World, I mean, Disneyland. Hopefully the Doodle will manage the 8 hour drive. Wouldn't it be nice if he slept most of the way? I can dream right?
"We thought we would teach our child about the world. Instead we teach the world about our child"
Welcome to Adventures in Autism & Epilepsy
This site is created in part to lesson my billable hours of Therapy. I was told I should journal my thoughts in order to better cope with my stress. So here I am. Journaling about the things that stress me and the things I love more than anything in this world. Here those two things come together.
“Epilepsy is not a disease in and of itself, it is a symptom of a disease.” -Dr. W.W. Sutherling
New to blogging, I have created Doodle Bug Chronicles to engage those interested in learning more about the mysterious, amazing and scary world of autism and epilepsy and what it might be like to raise a child with special needs. Sometimes funny, sometimes heartbreaking and mostly sarcastic this is my journey learning to cope with what is now my normal. I live in the wine country with my handsome and hardworking husband and two adorable boys, Doodle and Jimmy. Oh, and one crazy cat. Thanks for joining us.
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