Room Mother

I decided this year at Jimmy's Back to School night to write my name down on the list to be a "room mother" hard could that be I thought to myself. I just have to organize some holiday parties, send cupcakes and napkins, maybe attend a field trip or two and help out in the class if needed. Actually, I was already doing that.

Now I know why no other parents in the class signed up. The blank sign up sheet in the back of the room should have been a clue to me. Why don't I pay attention to these things? I guess it's so I can complain about them later. It gives me something to blog about.

Apparently the Room Mother's role has evolved to not only do fun things for the classroom but participate in fundraisers and such for the entire school. Being a room mother, I am told, also involves attending all school events and participating in monthly meetings.

Sure. I have time for that.

I'll just strap the Doodle into a straight jacket, stick him in the wagon and bring him with me. They'll get used to the screaming and soon be able to tune it out.

So I found this all out the hard way via an email from another mom who told me since I missed the 1st premiere school room mother meeting, that she assigned and picked our Harvest Fair Booth activity and the End of the Year Basket that I would be putting together.



Harvest Fair Booth did you say?


I was in charge of the Balloon Booth. Setting up and working it. Blowing up hundreds of little balloons. Today. Ahem, I mean tonight. It was a longgggggg day and all kind of just blended together like a bad Thousand Island dressing. First, working my real job and then rushing over to the Harvest Fair.

And, I'm no germaphobe but the entire time I couldn't stop thinking about the millions and billions of germs I was in contact with. From when a kid would put his little mouth on a balloon to blow it up and then hand it to me to tie--to handing hundreds of kids Darts to throw and then they touch them and then I touch them again and again and again...those darts were handled a lot and were most definitely a breeding ground for influenza and or the Swine Flu. I'll let you know how I feel in a few days. That will be the true test to see what exactly this Harvest cost me besides my time, a few bags of candy and a couple hundred balloons. I think each booth should have had mandatory hand sanitizer. Ick.

But in the spirit of fun, Jimmy had a great time even if I do get the flu. He got to play and hang out with his friends; including the school bully who just a couple of weeks ago wanted to Kick His Ass. Jim and I both got to see the boy in the flesh. Before Jimmy showed me and told me who he was I could pick him out of the crowd. He just looks like a bully. This year he's the big, tough six grader picking on 4th graders. Next year, he'll be the scrawny little 7th grader getting picked on by the 9th graders...what goes around comes around.

So there you have it. I'm officially a room mother.

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