Nothing Feels Better Than...

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...a clean closet.

...sleeping in.

...hearing your 10 year old say "I Love You Mom" and not want anything.

...finding $16 in a pair of pants.

...getting that parking place right in front.

...remembering why you love someone.

...whipped cream on a real Mocha.

...getting a genuine compliment.

...thinking the Doodle might have just said a real word.

...hearing a song that takes you back.

...a seizure free Doodle.

...a sleeping Doodle Bug.

...being forgiven.

...being able to find your glasses when you aren't wearing your glasses.

...a good long ridiculous cry.

...getting a great deal on something you've been wanting.

...feeling like you've accomplished something, even if was only doing the dishes.

...being on time.

...watching your weight on the scale drop.

...saying NO to something you don't really want to do.

...sunshine and a dose of Vitamin D.

...having a speeding ticket come off your driving record.

...bangs and a bad hair cut growing out.

...setting a new goal after accomplishing an old one.

...a hug from a Doodle in black Converse hightops and shades.

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