Oh Brother

The Doodle is lucky to have such a mature, kind and dedicated big brother that loves him to pieces.

While it must be really hard to live in the shadow of a sibling with special needs, Jimmy takes it in stride. He loves the Doodle so much. We are fortunate that they both go to the same school; Jimmy in 4th grade and the Doodle in the Special Ed Day class. Most kids Jimmy's age might be embarrassed by and ignore their special brother if they saw them getting ready to board a short bus at their school. Not Jimmy. He greets his little brother with open arms and hugs. Sometimes during recess he and his friends will pop over to the Special Ed class just to check on the Doodle and say Hi. The other day our fabulous Nurse Lou Lou came home from school with Doodle and told me how cool she thought it was that Jimmy and his friends were so nice to the him. She was really surprised.

It makes me so happy to realize that we have raised a very sensitive and kind little 9 year old. So far so good. And, I love that they will always have each other. The best sound around our house is when they are playing together impromptu and I can hear the infectious giggles coming from the room. I love to hear Jimmy trying his best to teach the Doodle new things. He has such patience with him. The Doodle really looks up to Jimmy and his eyes light up when he sees him. I've said it before but my favorite time of the week is Saturday morning where I can lay and cuddle in bed and watch cartoons with BOTH of my boys.

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